Class of 2020 - If you did not get a Flash Drive with the video highlights of your graduation and you would like one, please stop by the district office between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm and pick up your copy.
8 months ago, Danville Local School District
The Board of Education has approved suspending school fees and pay to participate fees for the 2024-2025 school year. All fees from past school years are still due to the district and can be found in MySchoolBucks. Please be aware that some clubs, organizations or other activity groups may still have dues or special projects or trips that require payment. Those will be communicated by coaches and advisors when the time comes.
8 months ago, Danville Local School District
A School Supply List Update for the JH-HS HUNTER WEBSTER: English I, Honors English I, and OG Reading: 1” 3-ring binder, tab dividers, notebook paper (loose-leaf), pencils, multi-colored highlighters, composition notebook, 1 box of tissues CCP Classes: 1" 3-ring binder, notebook paper, pencils, 1 box of tissues. Check out the complete list of school supplies at:
8 months ago, Danville Local School District
For those who do not reside in the district, all Open Enrollment Applications have been reviewed. You should be able to login into Final Forms and go to the application to find the status located near the end of the form. It will be in a box that says "admin only".
8 months ago, Danville Local School District
High School Mock Trial will have an info. session next Tuesday at 6PM in the high school lobby. Any students interested in participating this year should attend.
8 months ago, Danville Local School District
New Job Posting: 4-9/7-12 ELA Teacher
8 months ago, Danville Local School District
Danville is looking for a new School Psychologist!
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
Danville is looking for a 7-12 Math Teacher! Join the Danville team!
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
WELCOME Head Coach - Baseball - Zach Melton
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
Zach Melton
WELCOME! Head Coach - Volleyball - Morgan Spitler
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
Morgan Spitler
WELCOME Heach Coach - Girls Basketball - Bri Staats
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
Bri Staats
OPEN ENROLLMENT UPDATE. We are currently reviewing our "district resident" student grade level and program specific enrollments. Open enrollment applications will be acted upon by the last Monday in June electronically through Final Forms. Please check Final Forms after June 24, for open enrollment status. Parents/guardians must indicate acceptance of an approved transfer on or before the first day of school in August. Please understand that to provide the highest quality of education to all students district policy limits the number of students in a program due to circumstances unique to that specific program, the terms of a collectively-bargained, negotiated agreement, and/or financial or operating conditions of the District.
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
Any incoming 7-12 students who have study hall 7th or 9th period and would like to add a semester of exploring Spanish class to your schedule, please email Miss Potter at the high school.
9 months ago, jeannette Mccann
If your child is interested in attending robotics summer camp, please complete the form below. Details regarding the camp can be found on the form or by emailing the elementary coach
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
New job positions are open here at Danville Local Schools! 2024-2025 Baseball Coach and Technical IT Assistant.
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
The 2024 Danville Local Schools Senior Graduation has been posted to our YouTube Channel! A social thank you to Scott Mickley for recording this event!
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
A reminder that schedule adjustments at the 7-12 building begin this week. The dates and times are as follows:June 4th from 9-11am, June 6th from 3-5pm and June 10th from 9am-noon. If you need to schedule an appointment at another time please contact Vicky Potter. All schedule adjustments will need to be completed by the end of June.
9 months ago, jeannette Mccann
We are looking for a new Secretary, a 9-month position (you'll receive your salary during the summer) to be filled at our Elementary School. Visit our website for more details!
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
The Elementary Student Supply List for 2024-2025 has been posted to our website!
9 months ago, Danville Local School District
The JH/HS Student Supply List for 2024-2025 has been posted to our website! The elementary list is coming soon!
9 months ago, Danville Local School District